Taking cue from Roger Caillois’ The Writing of Stones, Issue 1+2 of Flint Magazine explores the rock as a medium for art, mysticism, place, and history. Rock is a natural archive; it records history as layers of sediment, and as a sculpted form. The oldest existing representations of visual symbolism and material technology are found in the form of carved stone that date back to 250,000 BCE. They preserve time, space, and artifacts in the same way the internet accumulates information – always collecting and storing without editing itself. Rocks compact history, yet still maintain a beautiful and unique form.
Each issue of Flint Magazine aims to collect and disseminate writing, film, audio, and other documents with the themes and design determined by its editors. Issue 1 of Flint not only collects works about rocks, but also explores rocks’ technological and tangible/tactile qualities in its presentation. Bringing together works from artists and writers spanning the globe, this multimedia magazine in a box assembles a diverse collection of text, film, print, and sound, interweaving the tactile and the intangible in content and form.
Featuring the work of over 20 international contributors; artists, writers, filmmakers, and designers. Table of contents for Issues 1 & 2 listed below.
DittoDitto is a small art book publishing house based in Detroit, MI. In addition to limited edition art books, DittoDitto also produces literary and visual art events in Detroit and elsewhere.